Duke(from Bush's Baked Beans commercials)
Diefenbaker(from "Due South")
Droopy Dog(from "Looney Tunes")
Happy(from "7th Heaven")
Puffy(from "Somethings The Matter With Mary")
Buddy The Wonder Dog(Golden Retriever from "Air Bud" - Died February 10, 1998)
Sparky(With John Travolta in "Michael")
Jill a/k/a Verdell(from "As Good As It Gets")
Chiquita(From "Big Brother")
Sock Puppet"What about the ferret?"
Hong Kong Phooey (a/k/a Penrod Pooch)
Chance and Shadow(from Homeward Bound)
Moose a/k/a Eddie(from Frasier)
Muir a/k/a Murray(from Mad About You)
Arnold(from Life Goes On)
Lady( Of Lady and The Tramp)
Flash(from Dukes Of Hazzard)
Buck(from Married With Children)
Jason(spokesdog for Hush Puppies)
(Remember, you can be part of a dog team, but, unless you'rethe lead dog, the scenery never changes!)